1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
In today’s text, note the command to not be led astray: “Be not deceived” – refrain from acting in a manner that reflects the opposite of what God commands – “evil communications corrupt good manners.” Detrimental friendships likely had developed in the church in Corinth. We must not deceive ourselves into thinking something good or beneficial can come from wicked relationships. God wants us to have good friends, and He has instructed us as to how those are to be established.
Truth is in the old maxim, “A man is know by the company he keeps.” The obvious exception was the Savior during the days of His flesh. Instead, His disciples were known by the company they kept with Him as they followed Him; they were known as “Jesus’ disciples.” Nevertheless, companions and friendships are important in our daily lives. Even our Lord chose twelve men to be His followers, providing Him with companionship and support, on occasion. He did not “go it alone.” We need friends, and when we stop and consider those with whom we associate, surely we can see the impact they have on our life. Their effect on us encompasses not just the assistance they may provide; in truth, our friends help to formulate our character and influence us in the various circumstances we face. Whether we will admit it or not, the type of people who surround us can have a tremendous impact on the kind of person we are.
Do you ever stop for a few moments each day to reflect on the day’s events and your subsequent responses to those events as they transpired? Who has the greatest impact on your thoughts and actions? Take care when it comes to the company you keep.