Monday, October 27, 2008

Perfect Timing Bloggy Giveaway

Since the holidays are quickly approaching this bloggy giveaway comes at the perfect time. Who doesn't want to win something and be able to use it as a Christmas gift. There are lots of wonderful things that are being given away this quarter at the Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival so be sure to check them all out.
What I’m giving Away: Ten handmade Christmas cards valued over $20
How to Enter: Post a comment. It’s that simple! You don’t have to have a blog to enter this contest, but make sure you enter a valid email address… if I can’t contact you, I can’t give you the prize! Note: All comments are moderated, I'll approve them as soon as I can!
How to Get Extra Entries: Go to my new and improved card site and look around. Come back here and leave me a comment telling me what you like, don't like, or would like to see added.
Each comment counts as one entry.
The rest of the details: Submissions will be open until midnight Sunday November 2nd. The winner will be announced Monday November 3rd and the prize will be on it’s way as soon as I have your information.


Erin Lowmaster said...

You have such lovely cards! I love most anything handmade and would love to send your cards out to my family and friends!

Anonymous said...

Hi Zizzie, I think it's wonderful that you are supporting Whispering Hope Crisis Pregnancy Center in Cumming Georgia. I am from Georgia too.

You are very creative. I look forwards to seeing more of your work posted for sale in the near future. Great job. :)

riTa Koch said...

What do you recommend for a 9 yr old girl BD? After Jr. church a little girl informed me that next Sunday is her birthday. I looked through my assortment of cards and couldn't find anything appropriate.

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway! When I think about Christmas cards I always break out into a cold sweat! I know I have to get to it soon BUT, I just never do. I will go look at your site right now. Thank you for this giveaway!

LisaDuvall said...

What a cute blog - I found it through the giveaway blog.

I have to admit I've already started to freak out a bit about sending Christmas cards this year. I've missed the last 3 years and I don't want to miss again this year!!!

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

Aunt Rita... I would recommend to get whatever fits her personality... If I were home I would offer to make a personalized one but I am out in Vegas with Kathy and Mom and I don't have any of my card supplies with me except what I am putting together for Kathy's Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Anonymous said...

oh yes what lovely cards, I really liked your Thanksgiving card...It is very elegant and warm feeling. Loved the colors...your site is very user friendly I enjoyed it...looking forward to the contest.. :)DabookLady

Lisa said...

Very pretty cards, it could only be improved by making more designs!

Anonymous said...

I love all the cards :) very nice indeed...

Barb J. said...

I love sending out homemade cards. They are so much more orignal.

Barb J. said...

Your cards are beautiful, and I especially like "Winter Sophistication." Adding some wedding or bridal shower cards might be a good idea. Those are ones that often go in scrapbooks, so I try to give extra special cards for those occasions.

Teesa said...

What a great giveaway!

altermyworld said...

I love love handmade cards this giveawa rocks!

Joy said...

Great cards! I love your Happy Thanksgiving card!

Abby said...

What a lovely giveaway!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

409cope said...

Christmas cards are always good and I sent a lot since we have friends all over the country.

Anonymous said...

I would just love these!
sjbraun at hotmail dot com

paryjeja said...

I love giving homemade cards.

Stacy said...

I would love to win handmade cards. Maybe it will inspire me to get crafty.


Jaime said...

I love cards! Yours are so cute! I especially love the Winter Sophistication, the blue with a snowflake.

Sarah said...

Your cards are beautiful! I love the easy, clean layout of your site--it's easy to navigate and pictures are plentiful, which is a good thing.

ignoramoose (at) gmail (dot) com

MariaJoy said...

Oh how fun!!

Kimberly said...

I love handmade cards. I think they are a million times better then store bought ones. They show that there was more thought and love put into them then just a store bought one.

Your store is great! You have such a huge variety of awesome cards to choose from.

Thanks for a great giveaway!

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Anonymous said...

I really like the anniversary card and the mothers day card. It would be cool to see more kids cards.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Love handmade cards!

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love handmade cards! lovemylittlefamily at yahoo dot com

momof2inNY said...

Nov Bday!!!

I love your Winter Wishes card! I am a big fan of light green and lavendar!!

I also love your Baby "Prints of Love" card! Gorgeous!!

rebecca said...

Handmade cards are always lovely. I would love to have some to send out this year.

gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

Kim said...

Handmade cards are the best way to go, I think!

Lainey said...

love it!

Ally's Corner said...

How cute!!!! Love hand made cards!

Anonymous said...

i adore homemade cards

Kerri in WV said...

What a lovely give-away :)

Kerri in WV said...

The patriotic cards touched this mama's heart--my oldest son is in the military :)

Katie Stacey said...

I would love to win.

Tiffany said...

My babies are being sweet and letting Mommy have a few moments on the computer so I am jumping from blog to blog! Nice to "meet" you.

Unknown said...

I love sending handmade cards! Thanks for the chance to win! alicia m horn at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Nice website! I especially like the graphics that slide across the screen. You have some lovely cards! I'd like to see more seasonal cards. I don't think you should have a category listed if you don't have any cards available in that category (i.e. fall).

alicia m horn at gmail dot com

Rach said...

Count me in!

Rach said...

I checked your store out...maybe I was looking in the wrong place but I didn't see many B-day cards?

the perpetual optimist said...

I love handmade cards! It's like sharing a piece of yourself. They are so much more personal. :)

The Straka's said...

My family loves homemade cards!!

Anonymous said...

I really liked your cards. The one for Father's Day with the tree on it is wonderful. I also really liked the one for Thanksgiving with the leaves on it.

the schros said...

katelynthames AT yahoo DOT com thanks

Elissa said...

I would love to win some cards!

Mommakitten said...

What a wonderful giveaway for the up coming holiday!

Mommakitten said...

I really like the sweet love card, it is simply adorable!

CaseyDeuce said...

Please count me in! I love the winter wishes, they are all so pretty!!

D Q said...

I love handmade cards. You have some really nice ones. Thanks for the giveaway.

Kat said...

I think these are perfect for Christmas. Thanks for the opportunity!



would love to win...looks great, please enter

Huguette En said...

Great prize! Thanks for the chance

Huguette En said...

My favorite is the HappyMothersDay, very nice!

Rachel H. said...

Your cards are TOO cute!!

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

I love the variety of colors you use for your cards, for example purple and sage for a holiday card. Though my favorite is winter sophistication.

Anonymous said...

I think that the mothers day cards are truly pretty!

you have a nice store, really.


Anonymous said...

Wow! This is great. Thanks for the giveaway.

Kindred Spirit said...

You have such beautiful cards! Thanks for a great giveaway.

frugallm said...

I adore handmade cards!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

frugallm said...

My fave in your shop is the Winter sophistication card!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Your cards are beautiful!

foamfan said...

Beautiful cards! Wishing you much success with all your projects!
Thank you for sponsoring the giveaway. It would be won-derful to win...or just browse.

Honey said...

I would love to win these and serve the minstry you mentioned.

Unknown said...

I'd love to win this. Count Me In Please.

Julie K. said...

Nothing says Christmas like homemade cards.

Becca said...

Beautiful! What a treat to win! Thanks! cross_home2001 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Melissa said...

i LOVE handmade cards....tried it a bit myself but just don't have the creative gene, nor the time to do it the way i want!

Melissa said...

lokked at your website...i send cards for EVERY occasion, so I loved seeing ones for the seasons, etc. and not just holidays. i would love to see some "girlfriend" ones! do beautiful work! Hope to see some come my way! :)

Kristin W. said...

your cards are gorgeous.
thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

What neat cards. I can say that I have never given a handmade card since I was a little girl with crayons. Thanks!
rrappohmystars at yahoo dot com

Debbie said...

What a nice giveaway. I would love to have your handmade cards.

Debbie said...

I love your anniversary cards. Id like to start sending them to my friends.

Anonymous said...

I love the Fall and Thanksgiving cards.

Kristan said...

please enter me. thanks!

Michelle said...

You're so creative! I like all the different categories you have!

Betsy said...


Anonymous said...

What beautiful cards. I would be honored to have them.

Melissa said...

Love homemade cards...especially the ones I don't have to do myself.


Sandy said...

A wonderful gift...I love your cards

lempski said...

I love Christmas and actually enjoying writing out and sending Christmas cards.

Anonymous said...

cute cards!!!

Kathy - mom of many said...

I absolutely love handmade cards!

bigfamily8 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

Lovely cards. It's great to see handmade things. I'd love to show off your cards if I were to win. Thanks for the giveaway.

Cami said...

How fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I love your beautiful homemade cards... I wish I had the time and patience to make them myself!

me.pace at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

Angel said...

I love sending cards to brighten peoples day!

krissy said...

This will be my first year doing the christmas card thing !

Anonymous said...

nice giveaway :-)
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I would love some homemade christmas cards.


Kristy said...

Would love to win. Thanks for the chance!

Suzie Williams said...

Handmade cards are always nice.

bren j. said...

First of all, this is a great contest!

Brandy said...

I would love to win.

bren j. said...

Second, I'm particularly fond of that "classy father's day card." Very nice!

ahiltz said...

Thanks so much for doing this giveaway for us!

Ren said...

Very cute cards. Thanks!

Ren said...

My favorite is the Sweet Love card.

Anonymous said...

These are so much better than stock cards

Anonymous said...

handmade is the best! please enter me

Anonymous said...

Just visited your site - and I really like your 'just moved' card. That is the cutest thing ever!

Unknown said...

Count me in, please!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net

shaunjoy said...

I love handmade cards -- I mean to do Christmas cards every year, but run out of time and end up buying generic ones. :(

shaunjoy (at) juno (dot) com

maggiejane said...

Your blog is really cool, and its a wonderful giveaway!


Han5nah T. the Manatee said...

I like the melodious birthday card, but would enjoy it even more if the happy birthday was in a different, less formal looking font.

Otherwise, great stuff! :D

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

I would love to win handmade Christmas Cards.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

You make beautiful cards. I would be honored to send them out this Christmas. Thanks for the giveaway.

snicklefritz_e (at) yahoo (dot) com

Angie said...

Homemade cards are the best! Thank you for the chance to win some of yours!

Julie said...

I'd love some handmade cards! I love to make them too :)

Becca Ann said...

Very Nice cards!!!

Chantelle said...

Awesome Giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win :)

Chantelle said...

Awesome Giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win :)

Liz said...

Beautiful cards.Who doesn't love toreceive beautiful cards in theb mail.Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Jenna Z said...

Ooh, beautiful stuff!

eyeslikesugar said...

How fantastic! Thank you for this giveaway; I hope I win :)
eyeslikesugar (at) gmail (dot) com

Nanci said...

Wow! This is great. Thanks for the giveaway.

Ginny said...

love cards!

TJ said...

LOVE this giveaway :) I would use these t osend out with some of the other cards I am sending the guys deployed with my husband :)

joneswifey987 at yahoo dot com

kamewh said...

Such pretty cards!

Thank you for the great giveaway!

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Michelle said...

Handmade cards are always a treasure.

Nissa said...

Very pretty cards! I like the fall leaves. Thanks for the giveaway!

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

Thanks for the chance to win, please throw my name into the hat!


buzzd said...

Great cards. I like the holiday ones esp Thanksgiving

Anonymous said...

i love handmade goodies :)

(I'm giving away Amazon gc, Cozy Moments gc, DiNGS gc and a sports jersey!)

Molly C. said...

i would love to win this!

Molly C. said...

I love the look of your site. I really enjoy the slideshow on the front page.

Michele P. said...

I like the cupcake birthday card, so cute!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Britni said...

These are very cute. I would love them!!

Jinxy and Me said...

I like that you have a nice variety - all with great designs. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kara said...

Your cards are so pretty. You are so talented..
millkara [at]

Anonymous said...

I like your birthday cards, especially the " Melodious Birthday" one!

l.a.c. said...

handmade cards are the best...what a great idea! thank you!


Anonymous said...

I love Christmas!

sundaygirl at gmail dot com

mub said...

You have such lovely cards!

Emily N. said...

I want to see more than 2 types of Thank You cards.

Megan said...

I love handmade cards. Thank you for this giveaway! I want to win!!

Anonymous said...

I love sending out Christmas cards! Please count me in.


Anonymous said...

I went and looked at your site and really love your cards! You have a great eye. My favorite card was your sage and purple Mother's Day cards. I absolutely love those colors in combination.

Thanks for another chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I love your style but the thing I love the most is that you donate the proceeds from the Baby cards to the Crisis Pregnancy Center

checkers said...

oh I'd love to experience some of your Lovely Christmas cards so please accept my entry, and thank you much!

Sandy said...

I love handmade cards and yours are wonderful.

Mark Pane said...

Wow, what a lovely giveaway! This would be perfect for Christmas right around the corner, and it would be a great way to safe some money this Christmas season!

Thanks for the offer,


Candie L said...

I would give these to my closest friends and family. How fantastic


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