Mike started walking July 1st when I was away in Las Vegas. I am so proud of him... he has been walking 3 miles a day in the neighborhood across the street which is very mountainous. I have walked a handful of times with him but I am totally out of shape and can't keep up, so he and Betsy walk their pace and I walk mine.
I saw this tree during my walk... can you see the bee hive?
I totally forgot to take a picture... I was exhausted after two days of having a garage sale but God was good and blessed me with two days of no rain and enough customers that I sold lots of stuff. I have several boxes of stuff left over that I am going to donate this week. Thanks to all of you who prayed!
Now I am heading on over to Sara's blog to read how everyone else's week went.
oh my word, that bee hive is HUGE!!! someone needs to take care of that!!! yikes!
so glad the garage sale went well for you and that the weather cooperated!!
That is a cute apron and that butterfly is gorgeous!
Rachel and I love the picture of the butterfly picture. We hope you didn't get any closer to the bees either.
Stay away from that beehive! OUCH!
That apron is adorable!!!!!
Nothing beats a succesful yard sale!
The hubs and I walk sometimes over at a park not to far from our house. It has been so hot lately and he has been out of town on business a good bit, it is hard to be consistant!
Way to go to the both of you!
I personally think those hills are even bigger in person!! LOL
Its been weeks since I walked with him and my legs still hurt. I give Michael a lot of credit for doing that every day!
Glad you had a successful garage sale and your "little helper" was beautiful.
Good for you for walking! You just keep right on going at your pace.
That beehive is amazing...at a distance that is!
Love the apron. I think you should at least try wearing it to see if any shoes turn up after you cook! :)
Glad the garage sale was a success!! That's always a good feeling!
Have a super week!!!
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