Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Created to be His Help Meet ~ 1

As I read through the Created to be His Help Meet book by Debi Pearl I am going to blog some notes so I can refer back to them.

  • Regardless of what kind of person you have been in the past with instructions from God's Word, you can become a heavenly-gift bride. You can still be your man's dream come true, and in the process your dreams will come true also.
  • You do have a choice in how your life plays out.
  • Each day is a decision, each hour a challenge, and each response starts you toward either the quicksands of divorce or the solid ground of being blessed "heirs together of the grace of life.
  • If you will turn to God, asking him to open your eyes to his instruction for wives, he will open his Word to you.
Chapter 1
  • A wise woman doesn't take anything for granted. She is thankful to be loved and seeks to make herself more lovely.
  • I had spent years scratching my head and wondering why he would not take a position of leadership in the home. I did not realize that I controlled many situations because I feared my husband would not handle them correctly.
  • How blind I was to my own faults.
  • Every man I know is a bonafide sinner. And, considering that you, too, are a selfish, fallen creature, it will take real effort to make a heavenly marriage.
  • A good marriage, just like anything worth while, takes doing the right things every day...every hour...every moment.
  • Proverbs 18:22 ~ Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.
  • You are inferior to none as long as you function within your created nature, for no man can do your job, and no man is complete without his wife.
  • Do you wake each morning ready to make your husband happy and blessed, to serve him to the best of your ability - to be his helper!
  • When you honor your husband, you honor God. When you obey your husband, you obey God. The degree to which you reverence your husband is the degree to which you reverence your Creator. As we serve our husbands, we serve God. But in the same way, when you dishonor your husband, you dishonor God.
  • 1 Corinthians 11:8-9 ~ For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
  • It is not a question of whether or not you can do a better job than he; it is a matter of doing what you were "designed" to do.
  • It is far better that the job be done poorly by your husband than to be done well by you.
  • A perfect help meet is one who does not require a list of chores, as would a child. Her readiness to please motivates her to look around and see the things she knows her husband would like to see done. She would not use lame excuses to avoid these jobs. A man would know he had a fine woman if she were this kind of helper.
  • Provers 12:4 ~ A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband
  • It is our job to learn how we can help our husbands in every way possible.

Time to Consider

  • Think of ways you can be a helper to your husband. Start today.

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